Being a New Mom is Tough. The New Mama Deck Makes it Easier!
Anyone who acts like it’s all just snuggles, and precious cooing is giving a false impression of the early days of motherhood. It’s messy, chaotic, stressful, loud, and non-stop. The list of to-dos a New Mama must do every day is longer than a grocery list. And if that weren’t enough, somewhere in there you’re also expected to shower, brush your teeth, put on clothes, and seem put together. One of the biggest things about being a new mom that nobody ever talks about is that you can start to feel like you don’t matter anymore. That's because your life is all about your baby.
Your baby is the star of the show, and you’re playing a supporting role in your own life. A lot of that is a normal part of life with a newborn. But I think it’s important to recognize that mom still matters. She’s just gone through something so physically traumatic and emotionally overwhelming (good and bad) and she needs a little TLC, too. For this reason, we have created our New Mama Deck. The New Mama Deck is full of tips and tricks, and important ways to stay connected to yourself. This is important for both new mom and baby.
So, this holiday season remember the new moms!
Yes, those tiny little outfits are hard to pass up. Trust me, if anyone gets it, it’s me. But you know what that baby needs more than a cute outfit? A happy and healthy mother. Here are three ideas for holiday gifts for new moms.
My first suggestion is:
The New Mama Deck. Let me explain why New Mama Deck is probably the best thing you can give a new mom besides uninterrupted sleep. The New Mama Deck was designed to focus solely on mom. As they say, “Two people are born the day you have your first child.” This deck helps new moms discover themselves in their new role, while grounding them in who they’ve always been. Each deck is filled with prompts to help them prioritize their health and happiness. Decks also include a few little life hacks that countless new moms have learned the hard way. The prompts are short and simple, but that little prompt card can have a big impact on how mom views herself and the world around her while she navigates motherhood. Not to mention, it’s under $20.
This next one is one our personal favorites:
The Savor Baby Keepsake Box. If you follow us, you probably know that we are HUGE fans of all the Savor products. This box allows you to easily organize and keep sentimental things in a way that is both beautiful and functional. I use the Savor boxes for my son’s special mementos, and I love them. While this may seem like a gift for the baby, it’s really not. Memories mean the world to mom. The memories are a gift – the box just organizes them.
My last gift suggestion for new moms is:
Something that applies to all stages of motherhood, not just the newborn stage. A massage! Being a mom is physically demanding. I have had more injuries since becoming a mom than in my entire life. The urgent care down the street from me now knows me by name. Caring for a baby is hard on your body – your back, your neck, your joints. Not to mention the fact that you pushed a human out of your body – that deserves a massage in and of itself. Also, a little quiet time for mom to rest is never going to go unappreciated. One or all these gifts is bound to put a smile on any New Mama’s face.
Happy holidays from our family to yours! And remember, these gifts are equally good for new moms on Mother's Day. Anything that shows a new mom that she is appreciated and valued makes her life easier. And, in turn, helps a new baby thrive.