life hack decks the pros and cons of rooming with your best friend

The Pros and Cons of Rooming with Your Best Friend

It's a dream come true.

You and your best friend are not only accepted to and attending the same school, but you're also rooming together. What could be more ideal?

You think about all the wonderful things that you'll do over the summer to prepare for dorm room life. This includes coordinating dorm decorations and endless nights of laughter and talks. What could go wrong? Well, sometimes nothing will go wrong and everything will be just as you imagined. Other times it can be more difficult than you think to commit to that small dorm room with your high school best friend. Let's look at the pros and cons.

Pro: You already know each other, which makes the getting acquainted stage a no-brainer.

You can skip that whole first step of awkwardness, small talk that doesn't feel comfortable, and doing that get-to-know you trial and error period. 

Cons: You could miss out on making new friends and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to do so.

By choosing to room with your best friend, you may be preventing yourself or lessening your chances from starting fresh and having new experiences with unfamiliar and different people. It's good to be in touch with people you know, but it's also very important to remain open to others, as well.

Con: Just because you're compatible as friends doesn't mean that it's a great fit to be roommates.

There are various factors that may put stress on your relationship including dividing space, negotiating chores, and remaining aware of each other's feelings. Not to mention that there may be differences in sleep patterns.

Pro: It's comfortable to have a familiar face greet you each morning. Most likely, it feels more like home.

Having a friend by your side during this difficult transition can be extremely helpful in making college feel a little more like home. In addition, it can also give you the confidence you need to hit the ground running and make college and dorm room life easier. You may be more comfortable taking chances if your base is stable at home.

Con: It may make it challenging to disconnect during times when you need independent time.

Even the best of friends need time alone. If ground rules aren't set early, this can result in some misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Pro: Doubling your wardrobe

Assuming that you and your roommate are similar in size, you can reduce the amount you bring with you to college, opening up additional living space. Or, on the other hand, it may make searching for the perfect outfit so much easier.

Con: Sharing can be a double-edged sword.

It's easy to cross boundaries when you don't immediately set good ground rules. Over-sharing, damaging clothing, or unreturned items can cause conflict even among the best of friends.

Pro: You get to come home to your best friend every day. This might ease the tension of living with someone else.

Whether you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, or just need to chat, you'll always have your best friend by your side.

Con: Confrontation may be difficult, if not impossible, to keep your friendship from taking a hit.

Because you and your best friend are so close, it's strenuous to discuss problems without worrying how it will affect your friendship. 

Weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Now that it's time for you to weigh the pros and cons, consider them carefully. Maybe it would be a good idea to have an honest conversation with your best friend about the roommate role and how you would like to see it play out in your college experience. If you are someone who needs a taste of home to feel more comfortable, this might be a great idea. However, if you'd like more of a taste of adventure, think about rooming with a person you don't know.

Dorm Deck and Hack Decks™

Pick up a Dorm Deck and make the transition to college that much easier. With Dorm Deck in hand, you'll be able to see how it eases the transition to college without the feelings that sometimes come with living in a new environment. Dorm Deck helps you get on the right page and start college living while establishing healthy habits. Suggestions included in the 52 card deck are "Play tourist with a friend," "Load up on healthy snacks," or "Establish a chore list." Whatever the topic, Dorm Deck is sure to make the first semester of college that much easier.

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