Sometimes things don't go our way in life.
But, that doesn't need to impact our mental health. Flip it, and think about what you can do for others instead of dwelling on what's wrong in your own life. It changes the narrative.
Lately things have kind of escalated in my life. A series of unfortunate health challenges has had an effect on me. I have had to remain in bed for days on end as I recover. Many times this type of a situation can cause people to feel sorry for themselves. I decided that instead of dwelling on my negative feelings toward the upcoming surgery or the one I just had, I am going to focus on joy and spreading kindness to others. I feel like whenever we make an effort to touch the lives of those around us, even in a very small way, it can provide very big benefits for everyone involved. Including ourselves.
There is research that shows a very strong link between being kind to others and being healthy and well yourself. With that in mind, I thought that sharing some small ways to show random acts of kindness to others would be a great way to stay positive in the face of adversity.
Smile and say "hello" or "good morning" to a stranger.
I realize this isn’t exactly a monumental act of kindness that is going to change the world, but it will make it a little brighter. It is a small, random act of kindness. It seems like such an insignificant act, but it can really turn someone's day around to get a genuine smile and acknowledgment from a complete stranger. Try it out sometime!
Pay for the person's coffee behind you in line.
This happened to me one morning in the drive thru waiting to get my coffee on my way to work a few years ago and it was such a sweet gesture. I ended up paying for the person’s behind me as well. When I picked up my coffee at the window, the cashier told me that I was the twelfth person in the chain of paying for the person behind us. I know it’s just coffee, but what an awesome feeling it was knowing that people were feeling in a giving mood that morning. It was something that still sticks with me today!
Leave a note of kindness for someone you love.
This is a great way to stay connected to your husband, boyfriend, or significant other. It's easy to write something simple on a sticky note and leave it on the coffee maker or bathroom mirror. Or to have a safe day of travel if he had to leave on a business trip before I was up for the day. I know he loves when I do that, and I love when he does the same for me. Do the same for your child and leave a note in their lunch box. I did that every day that my kids went to school. It’s just something small to show them you are thinking of their happiness, and can really brighten up their day.
Let someone into your lane - and do it with kindness.
How many times have you tried to merge into the lane to your exit, but drivers in that lane won't let you merge? It’s always very stressful when that happens, so whenever someone not only lets me in, but I can see they are smiling while they wave me over, I instantly feel at peace and think, “Wow, that was really nice!" This is something that truly takes only seconds out of your day but can leave someone else feeling good.
After you finish reading a good book, pass it along.
After I finish a good book, I always stick it in an envelope and send it to a friend who shares my same interests in books. Once, another friend gave me the gift of a book club for my birthday, and I sent those books to her after I had finished each. Not only does it make the book enjoyable for the other person, you can have your own little book club when you're both finished.
Treat new parents to a home cooked meal.
Being a new parent can be a really tough adjustment, and having a warm and healthy meal to enjoy without having to actually do the work of making it is amazing! It also gives the new parents time to enjoy dinner together because there is little preparation or clean up.
Say something nice to someone whenever possible.
No matter who you are or what you do, I think it’s safe to say that we all just want to feel like we are doing a good job in this life. Whether you work in an office or are a stay-at-home mom, it always feels wonderful to have someone compliment you or give you praise for doing what you do. Next time a co-worker does an awesome job on a project, be sure to let them know you think so. Or if you see a mom walking around the grocery store with her four kids and they are all well-behaved, don’t be afraid to give a thumbs up. I can guarantee you it will be meaningful.
Find Other Ideas in our Random Acts of Kindness Deck
These are just some examples of random acts of kindness that you can do to help ease the stress in someone's day. Showing kindness, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in a person's mental attitude and happiness. Lately, instead of dwelling on things that are difficult, I move myself out of that mindset and into a positive one. I write on a piece of paper all the things I will do for people when I am up and out of bed. I send a kind text in the meantime. Kindness never goes unnoticed, and it's a good mental boost for the giver, as well.